Partnering with

Big Network


Event details:


Gaming and computer creativity festival (aka LAN-party).


Thursday 13th of February to Sunday 16th of February.


Partille Arena (a few minutes east of Gothenburg), Sweden.


520 bring-your-own-computer seats.


eSports tournaments, fun Activities, Creative Compos (music, game dev, video, programming), Retro and Arcade Games and an active community.


BiG Network is a public non-profit organisation, active since 2003. Our funding model is based on state aids and collaborations.

Official event website:

What can we offer you as a partner/sponsor?

We're always open to making an agreement that fits you as a sponsor, but here are some options we've outlined that would be possible for us to offer in exchange for sponsoring our event:

  • Space for your roll-up and/or banner at the venue.
  • Your logo and text on our "partners page" on our website.
  • Your logo on all pages on our website.
  • Your logo in a shared slide for all our sponsors in our jumbotron slides.
  • Your own frame in our jumbotron slides.
  • Your own frame in our broadcasted stream.
  • Your logo on all our festival bracelets.
  • Your logo on all our crew's t-shirts.
  • Your own space in the venue during the event.
  • Your own flyer and/or merchandise handed out to all participants.
  • Your name used for branding on our major competitions (CS:GO etc).
  • Your brand described in a news post on our website.
  • Your brand mentioned and linked to from a Facebook post by us.
  • Your dedicated time slot on our main stage.

What are we looking for?

We'd love to hear what you think would make sense for you to support us with. Here are some suggestions:

Sponsoring prices for competitions:

  • Monetary prices.
  • Gear.
  • Merchandise/giveaways.
  • Trophies/goblets.
  • Printing of price checks.

Let us borrow hardware:

  • Gaming gear for tournaments.
  • Media (main stage/production/streaming).
  • Tech (network, servers & electrical equipment).

Covering costs:

  • T-shirts for Crew.
  • Festival bracelets.
  • Marketing.

Offer services for our participants:

  • Your regular services for free or at lower prices.

Rent area at the event:

  • Expo area where you can market your brand.

Partner area layout:


The partner areas are located next to the passageway between the two event halls and close to our kiosk with refreshments.

  • Currently eight designated sites for partners.


  • Showcase your products.
  • Sell your merchandise.
  • Arrange happenings.

Examples of exposure:

Festival bracelets:

LED displays all around the venue:

How is this documented?

See our recaps from previous events:

Bonus: images of our venue — Partille Arena

Address: Arenatorget 2, 433 33 Partille

Official website: